Tips for Helping a Grieving Friend

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Bennie Smith Funeral Home under Grief & Healing
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It is always difficult to see a loved one going through a mourning period and it can leave you feeling unsure about what to do to help them. Here are some tips that can make a difference.

Seeing someone you love struggling with a death is not something that is easy for anyone. You may not be sure about how to best help them and this can make everything more difficult. There are some things that you can do to assist them as they go through this tough time and that is something that you want to consider. Here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Millsboro, DE want you to know that can help a loved one grieving.

The first thing that you have to remember is that a loved one who is struggling with a death will want to know that you are there for them at all times. This is something that you may think they already know but, in fact, they need to be reminded of it. You need to let them know that you are always there to listen to them. Try not to push them to tell you what they are going through, but instead let them know they can call you whenever they need to.

Another tip that can help you help a grieving friend is to offer specific help. Many times, people give vague offers of help and this is something that people do not take up. By offering specific things, you can ensure that the person will take you up on it. For examples, you can offer to run to the store if you know they need to buy something. You can also offer to help with the funerary arrangements so that they do not have to do this on their own. These simple things can make a difference.

You should also consider offering them prepared meals. It can be tough for someone who is struggling with a death to find the desire to cook for themselves. This can mean that they end up eating fast food when they need nutritious meals. Prepare some meals that are easy to heat up and bring it to them so that they have good food to eat.

When you listen to them speak of what they are going through, try not to interject your own experiences unless the person asks for them. People can feel like their experiences do not matter as much if you focus on telling them about what you have been through. Instead, let them speak and listen actively.

Helping a friend deal with a death is never going to be easy. These tips, however, can make it a bit less stressful to know what to do. Be sure to offer them the kind of specific help they need so that they take you up on it. If you want to know more about the process of grieving and how to help someone going through it, turning to a Millsboro, DE funeral home like us at Bennie Smith Funeral Home can be a good idea. We are ready to help you navigate through this difficult time. Give us a call right now or stop by to ask any questions you may have.

Bennie Smith Funeral Home

From humble beginnings on a farm in Faceville, Georgia, Bennie Smith evolved into a successful and caring businessman setting the standards for funeral homes across this country. Today, Bennie Smith Funeral Home(s) is one the largest African-American-owned Funeral Homes on the East Coast. With 13 locations up and down the Delmarva Peninsula, from Wilmington, Dover, Milford, Seaford, Millsboro, Salisbury, Easton, Princess Anne, Chestertown, the Eastern Shore of Virginia and more. For over 35 years, we've been caring for families like yours.