Ways to Honor a Loved One in a Pandemic
Losing a loved one is always tough but it can be even worse if you have to make funerary arrangements during a pandemic. Here are some ways you can honor your loved one. If you have lost a loved one during this pandemic, you may not be sure how to make arrangements and how to […]
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DE, MD, Virginia Funeral Updates | COVID-19 Guidelines
To protect the citizens of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, and beyond, from illness associated with Coronavirus (COVID-19) the states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia has ordered residents to stay at home and only engage in essential business. In addition, by the latest order issued, strict guidelines limiting the number of persons allowed in a particular […]
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Face Masks/Temperature Checks/Repasts
In addition to Face Masks, all persons entering our facilities must submit to a temperature check. Those persons whose temperature exceeds 100.40 F, must immediately leave the building. In addition, our dining halls are not available for repasts or other activities until further notice. Our goal is to keep our families and our employees safe. […]
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Must Wear Masks
In compliance with the Governor’s mandate, effective April 28, 2020, “all individuals must wear a face covering that fully covers the person’s nose and mouth,” when they enter any business, including Bennie Smith Funeral Home. Thank you for adhering to the mandate and wearing your face covering.
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DE, MD & VA : Funeral Mandates
Please Be Advised: Per Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations – in an effort to slow the spread of the Corona/COVID-19 Virus, gatherings of more than 10 occupants are currently prohibited. There will be no seating available during viewings; we ask that you view and immediately exit the building and the parking lot. No Shaking Hands, kissing or […]
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